Tuesday 7 August 2012


Abaiang is an island north of North Tarawa. A group of us (I-matung - white people) went for the opening of a new pre-school and to launch a new boat. Also to support 2 volunteers; a secondary science teacher and a boat builder. We travelled over on Friday night and stayed at the Catholic Mission which runs the Secondary School.

Leaving from Betio late Friday afternoon, we had the pleasure of the Pilot boat for the trip out; fast and smooth.
Arriving Abaiang
But the tide was out (even though we left at a time when the tide would be in) so were dropped some way from the mission and had a delightful truck ride through beautiful villages with a magnificent sunset to view on the journey. 

Dinner, dancing (lots of it) and much ceremony followed, as warm up for the official opening/launch the next day.

Saturday: Students were practising marching for hours before the President arrived. Speeches took for ever and we had to leave before a school was opened or a boat was launched. The whole thing was timed for high tide, but why that mattered when they carried the boat 200m to the beach, I am not sure. By the time they launched it, they would have had to carry it a lot further. I have never heard something so discussed, but misjudged as the tides!

Waiting for the President
Boat to be launched

One night in a 19th Century Belgium seminary was enough. I was dreading the night, but despite the narrow, operating table like bed, it was clean and comfortable with a new mozzie net. I must have slept well as all the talk next day was about the  massive storm! What storm?

The Priests' house
Nuns on Bikes

Preparing table decorations

It was a great experience but the best for me was seeing secondary school aged boys and girls so enjoying the traditional dancing. They love it! And the singing was heavenly!

Students love any T-shirt with English writing and some slogans are on the edge, or way over it. Their teachers say they don't understand what they say or mean in English, but I am not so sure. One that caught my eye was "psycho bitch". It didn't quite fit the angelic religious singing.   

The trip home was in a small banana boat -  not the big fast red one we went over in!